CRXS  1.0
Comic Ray Cross Section Tools
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XS_wrapper Namespace Reference


def inv_AA_pbar_CM
def inv_AA_pbar_LAB
def dE_AA_pbar_LAB
def dE_AA_pbar_LAB_incNbarAndHyperon
def inv_AA_p_CM
def inv_AA_p_LAB
def dE_AA_p_LAB
def inv_AA_Dbar_CM
def inv_AA_Dbar_LAB
def dEn_AA_Dbar_LAB
def dEn_DbarA_Dbar_LAB
def SetRestrictedParameterSpace_LAB
def RemoveRestrictedParameterSpace_LAB
def SetRestrictedParameterSpace_CM
def RemoveRestrictedParameterSpace_CM
def SetRestricted_pp
def SetIntegrationMethod
def SetTrapezeIntegrationSteps
def set_C_winkler_self
def set_D_winkler_self


tuple printinfo = info.CRXSinfo()
dictionary _product = {'P_BAR':1,'D_BAR':2,'HE_BAR':3, 'P':4}
dictionary _coalescence = {'FIXED_P0':1,'ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM':2}

Detailed Description

@package XS_wrapper
    Documentation of the module XS_wrapper.
    The module provides an interface to CRXS. It allows to access antiproton and antideuteron production cross sections.
    It provides cross section for any kind of initial states. The parametrizations are given in the CM frame, the LAB (ISM) frame. Finally, it provides the energy-dependent (i.e. angularly integrated) XS in the LAB frame. 

Function Documentation

def XS_wrapper.dE_AA_p_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'ANDERSON' 
    Energy-differential proton production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization as function of LAB frame kinetic variables.

    This cross section is integrated over all angles.
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe T_p_LAB          Kinetic energy of the proton (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param int    parametrization  Cross section parametrization, enum from[ANDERSON]
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV
def XS_wrapper.dE_AA_pbar_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II' 
    Energy-differential cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    as function of LAB frame kinetic variables.
    This cross section is integrated over all angles.
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe T_pbar_LAB       Kinetic energy of the antiproton (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization  Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV
def XS_wrapper.dE_AA_pbar_LAB_incNbarAndHyperon (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II' 
    Energy-differential cross section including antineutrons and antihyperons for general projectile and target nucleus
    and for different XS parametrization as function of LAB frame kinetic variables.
    This cross section is integrated over all angles.
    This function should only be used for the parametrizations: Winkler, Korsmeier_I and Korsmeier_II.
    For diMauro apply a global factor 2.3 instead.
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe T_pbar_LAB       Kinetic energy of the antiproton (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization  Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV
def XS_wrapper.dEn_AA_Dbar_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II',
  coalescence = 'ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM' 
    Energy-differential antideuteron production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    as function of LAB frame kinetic variables.
    This cross section is integrated over all angles.
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe Tn_Dbar_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the antideuteron (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization  Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \param string coalescence      Coalescence model, from[FIXED_P0 (default), ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM], cf. inv_AA_Dbar_CM
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV
def XS_wrapper.dEn_DbarA_Dbar_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II' 
    Energy-differential antideuteron cross section for non-annihilating antideuteron reactions on p, A.
    This cross section is integrated over all angles.
    There are two standard ways to approximated this cross section which has never been measured.
    The energy-differential shape of the XS is either approximated by a the p+p->p+X reaction or
    or taken to be flat.
    In any case the cross section is normalized to the non-annihilating XS of pbar+D->D+X (see XS_definitions::nar_pbarD).
    \param doulbe Tn_Dbar_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the projectile antideuteron (in the LAB frame)
    \param double Tn_Dbar_prod_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the product    antideuteron (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_target              Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target              Number of neutrons in the target
    \param int    parametrization       Way to approximate the cross section parametrization [ANDERSON, APPROX_1_OVER_T]
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_Dbar_CM (   s,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II',
  coalescence = 'ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM' 
    Invariant antideuteron production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    We calculat the cross section in the analytic coalescence model. With the formula:
              3                                                   3                   3
             d    sigma                m               3         d  sigma            d  sigma
              dbar               1      D    4pi  pcoal                  pbar                nbar
    E      ------------  =  -------- -----  ---  ------   E     ------------  E     ------------
     dbar       3           sigmaTot m  m    3      1      pbar      3         nbar      3
              dk                      p  n                         dk                  dk
                dbar                                                 pbar                nbar
     3              3                 /   3                        3                                                              \
    d  sigma       d  sigma           |  d  sigma                 d  sigma                                                        |
            pbar           nbar     1 |          pbar                     nbar                                                    |
    ------------   ------------  =  - |  ------------(sS, vk    ) ------------ (sS - 2E    , vk    )  +  ({pbar} < - > {nbar})    |
         3              3           2 |       3             pbar       3               pbar    nbar                               |
       dk             dk              |     dk                       dk                                                           |
         pbar           nbar          \       pbar                     nbar                                                       /
    The parameter p_coal is defined as abs(p_proton - p_neutron)/2. (Note that there is also a different notation,
    without the factor 2., in the literature)
    There are two options for the coalesence momentum (cf. to option \param coalescence):
    1) Fixed to 80 MeV, which is the value tuned to the aleph experiment. If you prefer a different (fixed) value
    you can rescale the whole XS with (p_coal/80 MeV)^3.
    2) The energy-dependent coalescence momentum suggested in DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.023012.
    We recommend option 2)
    \param double s               CM energy, squared.
    \param doulbe xF              Feynman scaling (2*pL_Dbar/sqrt(s) in CMF)
    \param doulbe pT_Dbar         Transverse momentum of the antideuteron
    \param int    A_projectile    Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile    Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target        Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target        Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \param string coalescence     Coalescence model, from[FIXED_P0, ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM (default)], cf. inv_AA_Dbar_CM
    \return double XS             Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_Dbar_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II',
  coalescence = 'ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM' 
    Invariant antideuteron production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    as function of LAB frame kinetic variables
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe Tn_Dbar_LAB      Kinetic energy of the antideuteron (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe eta_LAB          Pseudo rapidity of the antideuteron (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization  Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \param string coalescence      Coalescence model, from[FIXED_P0 (default), ENERGY_DEP__VAN_DOETINCHEM], cf. inv_AA_Dbar_CM
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_p_CM (   s,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'ANDERSON' 
    Invariant proton production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization

     \param double s               CM energy, squared.
     \param doulbe xF              Feynman scaling (2*pL_p/sqrt(s) in CMF)
     \param doulbe pT_p            Transverse momentum of the proton
     \param int    A_projectile    Mass number of the projectile
     \param int    N_projectile    Number of neutrons in the projectile
     \param int    A_target        Mass number of the target
     \param int    N_target        Number of neutrons in the target
     \param int    parametrization Cross section parametrization, enum from[ANDERSON]

     \return double XS             Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_p_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'ANDERSON' 
     Invariant proton production cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization as function of LAB frame kinetic variables

     \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
     \param doulbe T_p_LAB          Kinetic energy of the proton (in the LAB frame)
     \param doulbe eta_LAB          Pseudo rapidity of the proton (in the LAB frame)
     \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
     \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
     \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
     \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
     \param int    parametrization  Cross section parametrization [ANDERSON]
     \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_pbar_CM (   s,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II' 
    Invariant cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    \param double s               CM energy, squared.
    \param doulbe xF              Feynman scaling (2*pL_pbar/sqrt(s) in CMF)
    \param doulbe pT_pbar         Transverse momentum of the antiproton
    \param int    A_projectile    Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile    Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target        Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target        Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \return double XS             Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2
def XS_wrapper.inv_AA_pbar_LAB (   Tn_proj_LAB,
  A_projectile = 1,
  N_projectile = 0,
  A_target = 1,
  N_target = 0,
  parametrization = 'KORSMEIER_II' 
    Invariant cross section for general projectile and target nucleus for different XS parametrization
    as function of LAB frame kinetic variables
    \param double Tn_proj_LAB      Kinetic energy per nucleus of the prjectile (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe T_pbar_LAB       Kinetic energy of the antiproton (in the LAB frame)
    \param doulbe eta_LAB          Pseudo rapidity of the antiproton (in the LAB frame)
    \param int    A_projectile     Mass number of the projectile
    \param int    N_projectile     Number of neutrons in the projectile
    \param int    A_target         Mass number of the target
    \param int    N_target         Number of neutrons in the target
    \param string parametrization  Cross section parametrization [KORSMEIER_II (default), KORSMEIER_I, WINKLER, DI_MAURO_I, DI_MAURO_II]
    \return double XS              Cross section in mbarn/GeV^2